

I’ve finally revamped all my photo albums (for now). They’re all pretty simple, without frames, but they load ten times faster and really just highlight the pictures rather than my own web design ineptitude. And I added a new one from my trip to Toronto last fall. My own personal Nirvana is the Bata Shoe Museum, where they have miles and miles of antique shoes. My personal favorites are the wedding display (If I ever get married, I am so wearing ducks on my feet!) and the celebrity shoes. The private tour of the storerooms was pretty awesome too. From original wedgwood heels that were made exclusively for the royal family, to these, I was ready to move in permanently.

And, of course, it wouldn’t have been a trip to Canada without at least one picture with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police!

[Update 2015] In an effort to reduce the number of holdover pages on the blog, I am slowly (very slowly) integrating photo albums into the appropriate historical posts on the blog itself, which should ultimately eliminate the legacy photo album section of the site. Images from the Bata Shoe Museum can now be seen below.

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