365:90 (horizon from 30,000 feet)
12/2/2009shot this out the plane window on the way home from houston.
photographs and random miscellaney from my brain
shot this out the plane window on the way home from houston.
Caryn, one of my best friends from high school, married Simon on Saturday.
The Hartford airport has one of the simplest good ideas I’ve seen in some time for an airport.
I haven’t done a non-photo related post in some time, but I just finished my latest book while sitting in the cafe at barnes and noble, and was reflecting on how nutso this week is going to be.
First, the travel. As always for thanksgiving, I’m heading to the berkshires to hang with family. Except, instead of staying through Sunday as I would normally do, I’m flying to Houston on Friday, because one of my oldest friends is getting (re)married down there on saturday. And then i’m flying back to NY on Sunday. Of thanksgiving weekend. I’m thinking it’s a good thing I don’t have a job I’ll need to actually get to on Monday.
Actually, that’s about it for my nutso week, now that I think about it. Although apparently my brother is sick with something that may be the flu (swine or otherwise) and is only finally going to the doctor because my dad convinced my brother’s girlfriend to drag him there. Or an emergency room. I’ll have to call him later to check on him. I’m not going within 100 feet of him though, because I’m pretty sure that swine flu makes a pretty crappy wedding present.
I’ll return to photoblogging later with a post about the book I just finished, but I left the jacket at home so I can’t photograph it yet.
Ok, fine. Sky Mall catalog it is.
Nothing quite like the George Bush airport in Houston. Seriously. Nothing.