054-055/365: more sadie
by sam on 02/25/2011I know that if I keep this up, I run the danger of becoming the dreaded “cat blogger”, but sometimes I’m not going to be able to help myself. Sadie’s now been with me for a full week, and, as you can tell from these pics taken during the week, she seems to be settling in OK. Sure, she spends her mornings impersonating a whirling dervish, and I’ve had to slipcover most of my living room – not due to any intentional damage on her part, but because she gets so rambunctious in the morning that she’s been inadvertently scratching up my leather couch when she’s trying to leap from one piece of furniture to the next. I’m a little disturbed that she figured out how to get to the top of my 6 and a half foot tall chifferobe, since that’s where i was keeping the “stuff to keep out of sadie’s reach”, but mostly, she’s doing things like this – sleeping on top of me in incredibly inconvenient spots, like while trying to edit photos on my computer, and always keeping an eye on where I am.
I spoke to the vet today and confirmed that I think we’ve past the trial stage, and to complete whatever adoption rigamarole was remaining.