let it snow…?

by sam on 12/26/2010

It looks like time for snowpocalypse 2010. Although, given that this seems to be happening with more frequency, I’m not sure “snowpocalypse” is really appropriate anymore. Perhaps just “winter” would suffice.

I was actually looking forward to the snow today, largely because I didn’t need to go anywhere, I don’t celebrate Christmas so I didn’t get caught in today’s travel onslaught/nightmare, and the absolutely best part about snow in New York City is the first few hours, when it’s still white and pretty, before it gets polluted by exhaust fumes and turned into a giant slush pile.

The one downside? I’m watching my parents’ dog, Ollie, so I do have to venture out periodically. Luckily, he’s old and has no interest in playing in the snow, so the biggest struggle is to get him to stay out long enough. Truly a dog after my own heart. I decided to grab my camera to snap a few shots on our afternoon walk today (which consisted of walking to the end of the block and back). Ollie was very determined to get home, but I managed to get a few pics of the beginning of the storm. This is only a few hours in – they’re predicting a total of between 14 and 18 inches by the time it ends tomorrow.

(As always, click on the thumbnails to get the full image)

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