today’s ride

by sam on 08/20/2008

Today I decided to head downtown instead of uptown, because I was getting a little bit bored with the route up to the bridge (or really, the amount of trash you have to wade through in the morning before the parks department comes through and cleans up after everyone who picnics up there the evening before). So, after not having gone downtown in a few weeks, and reading about how they finished work on another stretch of Riverside Park, I decided a trip down to battery park was in order. Oh, and I learned the trick of how to bypass the construction around ground zero by hanging a right at Stuyvesant high school and continuing to ride right next to the water. I got a little turned around once or twice trying to find the actual “bike” (and not pedestrian) route, but it was very nice. Here’s an image of my pathtracks map (unfortunately, I can’t figure out how to embed the actual map yet, but I’m working on it…).

And it was a perfect day for a ride – it was only 61 degrees when i got up this morning, and while riding I (more than once) wished I had put on a long-sleeved shirt.  Awesome.

(note that I only track one direction – no point in wasting my iphone battery on tracking the exact same route back.  So the total ride was a bit more than 14 miles today). Click on the thumbnail for a larger image.

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