Now if only I could find something good for the box in my office

by sam on 12/6/2005

With the arrival of my new iMac this summer, I was finally able to truly test out Tiger (you’ll recall that my attempts to install Tiger were what "exposed" the meltdown-errific problems with my old iMac). One of the things that I was seriously excited about was the integrated rss-feed reader in Safari. Well, a few months in, and I have to say…

I’m switching back to NewsFire. I tried a bunch of different newsreaders before Safari came out (and paid for a few), and I liked the elegant simplicity of NewsFire the best – the least cluttered screen, the resorted feeds based on what was most recent, it was just…nice. But I thought a feedreader /inside/ Safari would be even better.

Instead, I find that I’m constantly having to mouse all over the place in order to open new feeds, and I hate the "View all RSS Articles", which, if you read as many feeds as I do, means that you’re scrolling through a single page with 5-600 new snippets every day. So I open different feeds in tabs. and then have to scroll through. and wait for shit to load. and god forbid Safari crashes (and it does), everything that was "open", even in tabs I hadn’t viewed yet, gets marked as read.

Or even better, the feeds stop updating, so I have to restart Safari, at which point it defaults to everything being unread. Which is just great. And the inability to import opml files? come on. I just know I’m going to have to spend two days exporting the damn feeds back into Newsfire, since I’ve added and deleted so much crap.

So Safari as a newsreader still has some kinks. I still like it as a browser for the most part – although I have to switch to Firefox of IE in order to shop at the Gap or Old Navy or log into the citrix server for my office. which is, to say the least, annoying.

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