Just another manic monday.
by sam on 01/31/2005Things that pissed me off this weekend…
- So, the hot chocolate festival was completely lame yesterday – I stopped by, but didn’t even take any pictures because it was actually somewhat pathetic (and after all the hype!). The ice rink? was "synthetic ice" that you could skate on with ice skates, but was so small that you couldn’t fit more than a few people a a time. The "sidewalks piled with snow that would be imported in? was chunks of week old sidewalk snow from last weekend’s blizzard, that was impossible to play in. As I walked down the street I could feel palpable disappointment in the parents and kids that I passed. Oh, and for all the hype about the hot chocolate itself, City Bakery was apparently charging $2 for a sample-size cup. So I essentially walked by making like I was just going over to sixth avenue, lest anyone think this "festival" was my actual destination. I don’t know if they thought the blizzard would negate their need to import snow, or if it was a little too warm to make things work (it was actually in the mid 30s), but it was quite poorly executed. I’m actually mad at myself for telling other people about it.
- Thanks, New York Times, for giving away the "major plot twist" to Million Dollar Baby in the friggin’ headline. Hint: Don’t click on the link if you don’t want to know. And putting a disclaimer in the second paragraph of the article doesn’t exactly work when your headline is "Groups Criticize ‘Baby’ for Message on [XXXXXXXXX]". Some of us actually haven’t seen the film yet, even here in New York where it’s actually been playing.
- And in my personal life, I woke up this morning with what appears to be a stye in my left eye. Which really, really sucks. my eyelid is swollen and I look like I got punched in the face. And I’m stuck wearing my glasses, which also sucks because the lack of peripheral vision will give me a massive headache by the end of the day.
- Oh, and Fresh Direct forgot one of the boxes in my order last night. The one with all of the Diet Coke (among other things). And when I called them, they’re all "we can deliver it from 2-4 on Wednesday," forcing me to point out that the reason I’m scheduling deliveries at 10pm on Sunday nights is precisely because I work during the week. and then when we finally figure out a new deliver time for the missing $20 worth of groceries? The guy is like, "and we won’t even charge you for delivery!" in this tone that is totally like he’s doing me a solid. My response? an incredulous "well I certainly hope not, as you guys fucked up, and not only would charging me for a second delivery in this circumstance be unethical, I’m pretty sure it would be illegal as well…"
Wow. now I feel a little bit better.
Tags: bitching, current events, movies, new york city