by sam on 04/6/2004One of my favorite things to read is a monthly feature in Conde Nast Traveler called the ombudsman. People write in with their hellacious travel stories, and the ombudsman (I love that word!) tries to get them some sort of resolution. They only publish the letters that the ombudsman thinks are causes worth championing.
In the same vein, I’ve become somewhat addicted to the A&E show Airline. Maybe I’m the only one, but I’m simply obsessive about getting to the airport early (I missed a plane once – my friend missed the exit for the old Denver airport and we had to go miles out of our way). I’ll often get their two hours early for a domestic flight, just because I like the security of being confirmed and checked in. I watch these people who show up to the airport (not even the gate, the airport) ten minutes before their flight is scheduled to leave, who then proceed to throw absolute hysterical fits about not being able to get on the plane. I just keep wanting to shout at the TV, "Lady, the airline is probably hoping that you actually live up to your threats to never fly their airline again – you’ve cost them nothing but aggravation and heartburn for hours!"
All this has, of course, gotten me thinking again about what time I have to leave for the airport when I go to Belize. my plane leaves at 5:55 in the morning. The odds of my actually going to sleep the night before are looking slimmer and slimmer…
Tags: television, travel