Figuring everything out.
by sam on 03/16/2004So I finally got all of my photos on my powerbook as well, with only a few hiccups along the way. The process did teach me how to link my two computers by firewire correctly. You may notice that if you go into any of my photo albums (except Prague – I haven’t gotten to that one yet) that I’m actually simplifying them. When I originally created them, I used this program that seemed like a good idea at the time, but it’s so complex to use that I would usually have to spend 5-6 hours to get the album the way I wanted. And then, after creating the "album" on my desktop, I would have to export it again into an entirely different file format in order to upload it to my idisk. And it also ate up a lot of space – I just didn’t see the need to be using 15+ MB of disk space for one album – at that rate, I’ll be doubling my idisk space every 6 months. It’s cheap, but it’s not that cheap.
So now that I’ve taught myself some basic html, I’m supplementing the simple iPhoto export program with some tweaks of my own. Even manually going into each "page" in order to tweak the link sizes and colors takes significantly less time than the "automated" old program. Right now they’re really basic, and I’m hoping to dress them up a little bit more, but there’s really no need for frames and such for a bunch of photo albums that, like, 5 people in the world even care about. and then, I’m pretty sure they only care about the actual photos. And since the page scripting is so simple, it makes it really easy to go in afterwards and figure out exactly what I need to change.
This really couldn’t have been a more boring entry. wow. I’ve even lost interest in it myself.