the most wonderful time of the year.

by sam on 12/11/2003

I always seem to get sick at this time of year. My main assumption has always been that the wildly fluctuating outside temperature, combined with the change-over of the internal a/c/heating systems in both my apartment and office are just too much for my equilibrium to take, and it just completely breaks down.

I don’t think it’s as bad as the flu, but I left work early on Tuesday and today, and took the whole day off yesterday (although I did actually get several hours of work done while sitting in the Starbucks down the street, bundled in fleeces, in order to keep out of my cleaning lady’s way). I think it’s just a bad cold, with the headaches and stuffiness and sore throat.

I am feeling a bit better now, and I actually ate some solid food today (Tuesday and Wednesday it was strictly chicken broth). And tomorrow’s Friday, so even if I feel like crap, it’s only one day until the weekend.

I actually think my biggest problem is my insane inability to call in sick two days in a row. It’s a total psychological tic – I got to work this morning, and everyone I work with looked at me like I had three heads for showing up, so it’s not like they would penalize me (or even think badly of me!) for staying home, but I just can’t do it.
