nyc subway | atlantic avenue (2/3/4/5 platform)


The Atlantic Avenue station is a monster transfer station in Brooklyn, that has been completely renovated in conjunction with the development of the Barclays Center. It actually connects 9 different subway lines, but through a series of connections and different platforms. I only ended up here because I was attempting to ride the D train along the route to Coney Island, forgetting that it was the day of the Mermaid Parade, making the trains an overcrowded mess, so once I hit Pacific Street, I turned around and came home.

(Pacific Street is a station that technically doesn’t exist anymore and is now actually part of the Atlantic Ave complex – there will be a separate entry for the Pacific street platform). I decided to get some fresh air while I was turning around and took some shots of the original headhouse. as well as the shiny new Barclays Center subway entrance. The original headhouse is not used as an entrance anymore and was actually moved from its original location – it’s purely decorative now and is used as a skylight for the station. While this station has been entirely renovated, they have maintained the original (or original style) station mosaics and initial markers on this platform, even when embedding them in more modern surfaces, like glass brick.

Station opened: May 1, 1908
Original system: IRT
Trains: 2/3/4/5
Source/More info: Wikipedia,

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