by sam on 12/29/2016From Thanksgiving weekend in the berkshires (yes, I’ve made it to late November in my photo backlog!). My parents have a thing for birdhouses and you’ll find them scattered all over the property.
photographs and random miscellaney from my brain
From Thanksgiving weekend in the berkshires (yes, I’ve made it to late November in my photo backlog!). My parents have a thing for birdhouses and you’ll find them scattered all over the property.
Taken in late November, when the leaves in New York were at their maximum “falling off of trees” stage
beacon theater marquee mere seconds before the skies opened up in a torrential downpour.
I love walking up fifth avenue, particularly during the holidays (and yes, even with the tourists). There’s a great energy, with the people and the lights and the beautiful holiday windows that not only try to top each other, but themselves year-over-year. But I’ve been largely avoiding it this fall due to the security nightmare created by our new (ugh) president-elect, who thinks running a reality show competition for cabinet posts from a building situated on one of the busiest street corners of the world is somehow a good idea and not a sign of abject sociopathic narcissism. But I digress.
Atlas is one of the many Art Deco sculptures forming the campus of Rockefeller center.
no particular reason for this photo other than the fact that I really like these signs.
I finally went to the new Whitney in Chelsea this past October. One of the lovely features is an outdoor space on each floor where you can see sculptures and also take in various views of the city. Here, you can see the High Line (normally everyone’s favorite spot for elevated skyline viewing) from high above itself.
View of my parents’ apple orchard in early August, and then this past thanksgiving weekend.
even if unintended, I saw this on my corner today, and it comforted me. Please keep being kind to each other.