over the hill

by sam on 02/12/2009


I’ve got one hour and 35 minutes until, well, I turn 35. It doesn’t bother me very much, but at the moment I’m feeling a bit of a twinge. I had to fill out a survey a couple of weeks ago, and the age group category cutoff for my group was 34. The next age group up was something like 35-50. And that made me feel a little bit old.

On the flip side, it’s a holiday weekend, I have plans every night, and a bunch of people have said they’re actually going to show up to my get together on Sunday night (it’s not a party per se – I basically told a bunch of friends to show up at a bar at 9pm). I have smaller plans for my actual birthday tomorrow with my best friend and possibly my brother, but if I’ve learned one thing over the years, it’s to try to studiously ignore my birthday when it falls on friday the 13th. The last time this happened, which was my 30th birthday? I ended up working until midnight.

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