by sam on 08/28/2008I like to think I’m not an overly sentimental person, but in actuality, I can be a total sap. So it wasn’t entirely surprising that, sitting at home by myself watching Barack Obama accept the nomination for President of the United States as the candidate for the Democratic Party, my eyes welled up a bit with tears. In the day-to-day watching of the campaign, and in the weighty analysis of everything from policy positions to lapel pins, we sometimes forget how momentous this moment, even without regard to the positions either candidate takes, is. On the 45th anniversary of the March on Washington, an African-American has been nominated as the candidate of a major political party.
For everything about this country that could be better, for everything in the last eight years that has caused me profound disappointment at how we, as a country, have squandered global opportunities in favor of narrow-minded, irrational and downright unconstitutional agendas, sometimes…
sometimes we still strive to live up to the dream…