reading deficiency
by sam on 12/10/2007I haven’t posted that much this year on the books that I’ve read, and that’s in large part because I’ve started about 20 or so books and not finished any of them, other than the His Dark Materials trilogy and Harry Potter (although, to be fair, I did manage to re-read the first six HP books in anticipation of number 7). My latest attempt? Love in the Time of Cholera. I thought I’d finally dig into it before the movie, but then I found out the movie was terrible, so I lost interest in hurrying up and finishing the novel in time. So that’s sitting on my desk now, only 1/3rd read. Of course, none of this stops me from actually buying new books, and I just picked up Persepolis (which is now available as a one-volume book in time for the film’s release). Since this film is supposed to be awesome, maybe it’ll actually incentivize me to read the whole thing.
Plus, it’s a comic! (or graphic novel, or whatever you want to call it). So…vastly fewer words per page for me to actually have to get through…
Tags: books