by sam on 06/24/2005Went to the Sleater-Kinney show at the Roseland Ballroom last night, and it was pretty awesome. I hadn’t really heard them before and I now need to go out and buy their new album. Even though I have come to the realization that I’m just not tall enough to go to general admission shows anymore. Sure, back in my college days I was willing to push my way to the front of the stage, but these days, hanging near the back (or the middle) with my friends, I realize that I’m spending more time watching the backs of other people’s heads than the actual people on stage. One of the guys I was with accidentally stood in front of me for a few minutes, and then apologized, and I was like "Dude, the only thing that you’re blocking for me is actually the view of the back of the head of the guy standing directly in front of you."
I’d probably be more upset if I had actually paid for my ticket.
And more proof that I’m actually a 90-year-old trapped in the body of a thirtysomething? I spent most of the night worrying about hearing loss because I forgot to bring earplugs. Oh, and I shouldn’t drink beer anymore, because it apparently makes my ankles swell (wine, hard liquor? those are fine. thank god).
Tags: current events, music