Jon Stewart definitely wins this round…
by sam on 01/5/2005Jonathan Klein, the new Chief Executive at CNN, has not only opted not to renew Tucker Carlson’s contract, but is considering ending Crossfire completely. The Carlson contract could just be seen as a negotiations breakdown, particularly since he appears to be in talks with another network, but as for Crossfire itself, here are a few choice quotes from Klein himself:
I guess I come down more firmly in the Jon Stewart camp, Klein told The Associated Press.
Wow. I can’t wait to see Stewart’s take on this on TDS tomorrow night. Will it be more feigned surprise at the idea that people take TDS seriously, or perhaps a lamentation that Crossfire is ending, because even though he clearly despised the show, it gave him plenty of material?
Klein said all of the cable networks, including CNN, have overdosed on programming devoted to arguing over issues. Klein said he wants more substantive programming that is still compelling.
Feel free to put your best guess in the comments as to how quickly this guy will be forcibly removed from CNN headquarters.
I doubt that when the president sits down with his advisers they scream at him to bring him up to date on all of the issues, he said. I don’t know why we don’t treat the audience with the same respect.
It’s a good point, but I can’t be the only one who read that and immediately flashed to Condi Rice wearing a lot of black leather and threatening Bush with a bullwhip, can I?
Tags: current events, television