“Geographic malapropism”?
by sam on 12/7/2004Heh. I find this mistake in the NY Times more amusing than I probably should. They still can’t figure out how to fire Judith Miller, but when they make an obvious, amateur error they sure know how to point it out:
An editorial published on Saturday about the proposal to build a football stadium on the far West Side of Manhattan suffered from a geographic malapropism in a reference to the New York subway. The line proposed for the East Side is known as the Second Avenue line, not the No. 2 line. The No. 2 line runs up the West Side of Manhattan, as it has for, oh, 100 years. We not only approve of its existence – we applaud it. Some of us even ride it.
You just know that they got, like, a thousand e-mails pointing this out.
Tags: current events, new york city