The Country Life.

by sam on 11/24/2004

Finally made it to the country, after a few false starts in trying to leave the city (note to self: when dad calls and says be at his apartment at 1 so that we can leave, show up at 2:15. It won’t make a difference).

My hacking cough is entertaining everyone. I think they’re all worried that I’m literally going to cough up a lung. pleasant, huh?

And the computer situation has been figured out, sort of. In that it can’t be figured out. The wireless network works (as evidenced by my ability to publish this entry), but apparently the brilliant IT guys at my stepmother’s office configured her computer so that it only can connect to the internet through dial-up to her Company’s VPN. They appear to have removed the ability to set up new network connections. Because even though she bought the computer herself, the couldn’t conceive of the thought that she might want to be able to something other than access her work e-mail through the phone line. In 2004. I’m going to try a few other backdoor things over the weekend, but I think she might be stuck until they can reinstall the correct software programs.

And now my dad is feeding the dog a peanut butter sandwich filled with medication (the dog is old and arthritic). Exciting, huh? And I wonder why, by the end of the weekend, I’m always jonesing to get back to my little apartment in the middle of a construction site…

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! (and thanks, Rick, for the warm wishes).

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