Current Events.

by sam on 07/24/2004

So I’ve added a new category, "current events", because I realized that a lot of stuff that I had been shoving into the "politics and law" category really had nothing to do with either politics or law, but that weren’t completely random. This will be where I talk about not so political or legal stuff going on in the world (interesting stuff I’ve read in the news, movies, etc.) that is a little less "random" than the stuff I end up putting into "random thoughts".

It’s on the iBlog wish list (thanks to yours truly) to add the ability to include entries in more than one category, but until then, I’m just going to pick the "best fit", even if something appears to fit in more than one spot. Otherwise I’m going to end up with forty categories.

Also, I changed all the image icons. It was time for a change.
