The Friday Five.

by sam on 01/17/2004

I just ran across this site because it was mentioned on another blog I was reading. I thought I’d give it a try…we’ll see how long this sticks:

1. What does it say in the signature line of your emails?
Actually, I’m not one to put cutesy little political quotes in my signature line. I’ve managed to get myself down to two e-mail addresses, one for work and one for home. At work, it’s just my name and office address (being a corporate lawyer, I think anything else would probably be frowned upon). My home e-mail just has my name and e-mail address. Back in college, I used to add all sorts of crap, but I think I’ve just outgrown it.

2. Did you have a senior quote in your high school yearbook? What was it? If you haven’t graduated yet, what would you like your quote to be?
I did. it was dumb. I’m not going to go dig out my yearbook in order to quote it verbatim. It did have something about not letting other people set your goals because then they become limitations. Whatever. Nowadays I find that the people I spend time with actually challenge me, so the quote was dumb.

3. If you had vanity plates on your car, what would they read? If you already have them, what do they say?
I actually did have vanity plates on my car, thanks to my parents who totally spoiled me by buying me a little red pontiac as soon as I got a driver’s license. I always felt kind of stupid with the plates, but I couldn’t exactly tell my parents that I wanted something different. The plates, however just had my name and the year of my birth, so they didn’t say too much about me, except perhaps, that my parents thought I was such a moron that I wouldn’t remember my name or how old I was without the help…Or maybe they thought it was a surreptitious way of preventing me from buying beer before I was 21, since I went to college in a town where you had to drive everywhere, including the liquor store.

4. Have you received any gifts with messages engraved upon them? What did the inscription say?
Not really, I’ve gotten a few books with notes inside, but nothing too memorable.

5. What would you like your epitaph to be?
Now here’s a depressing question that I don’t want to think about for a much longer time.

That was kind of fun…maybe I’ll check back in next week.
